University Research Center



About University Research Center

The University Research Center (URC) was created to develop a research program that will help enhance the competency of faculty and staff members in conducting research and in applying and disseminating information and findings for the benefit of its constituency and the community. The program and services of the URC include the institutional research program, external research program, research education and implementation assistance, research dissemination, and policy formulation and implementation. Capability building programs were regularly conducted and it has successfully increased faculty involvement in research. Research outputs were also regularly disseminated through the internet, brochures on salient findings, newsletter, research journal and symposia. The programs output on rural technology were utilized by the local community. Students and teachers also benefited from the program since research outputs were used as basis for improving laboratory facilities, development of instructional materials, and improvement of university services. The university’s effort to strengthen the research culture towards Exemplary Christian Education for Life (EXCEL) was given recognition by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and was awarded the Best Higher Education Institution Research Program in Region VI in 2006.

After taking steps to strengthen the research culture in the university, the URC also facilitated the strengthening of the R&D activities of the different units in the University according to their area of expertise. Other units focused their R&D effort from the laboratory to actual production not only in the Philippines but also in other developing countries. One of the examples is the biomass gasification technology for thermal application. The use of rice husk as fuel plus the integration of steam injection to produce hydrogen-rich clean gas for cooking had greatly impacted the whole world especially this year when the Super Turbo Stove Injection Technology was awarded as one of the recipients of the 2008 World Bank Panibagong Paraan and the Rice Husk Gasifier Stove as the Blue Flame of Hope by the 2008 Rolex Award for Enterprise as Associate Laureate awarded to its Program Leader. Most of the technology on biomass utilization developed in the university can be downloaded at especially the rice husk gas stove handbook where the complete information of the technology can be downloaded free of charge. To date, various individuals and private companies are producing these technologies at varying scale. The university’s research program on biomass utilization was also awarded by CHED as the Best Higher Education Institution Research Program in Region VI for 2008. Awarded with a Plaque of Recognition as 1st Regional Qualifier for Best Higher Education Institution Research Program (BHEIRP) by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) last December 2011 for the research entitled; “Development of Indigenous Feeds for Native Chicken”. Also a National Winner in the 2013 CHED REPUBLICA Awards for Agriculture leading a group of 12 qualifiers under the Agriculture and Natural Science Category. The winning paper was entitled, “Production Potentials of Native Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) of Western Visayas, Philippines authored by Dr. Jaime C. Cabarles, Jr..

The University Research Center aims to achieve the following:

  • Increase the percentage of full-time faculty members actively involved in research;
  • Increase the number of conducted and completed internally and externally-funded researches;
  • Disseminate all research ouputs of the University Research Center;
  • Publish the annual issue of two international research journals (Patubas and Scientia et Fides);
  • Utilize research ouputs in instruction, further studies by faculty, staff and students, and in planning and decision-making by the administration;
  • Integrate Christian values in all research activities, and;
  • Increase the number of patents and copyright produced by faculty researchers.
1. FAITH The act of believing the things God has revealed about himself and acting on those beliefs. This includes commitment, cooperation, trust, and confidence 2. CHARACTER The aggregate features and traits that form the individual’s nature, moral quality, and good report. This includes honesty, integrity, humility, and loyalty. 3. JUSTICE Righteousness or lawfulness and fairness. It is observing due process in administering the deserved sanction or reward. This includes fairness, equality, morality, and peace. 4. STEWARDSHIP The proper and responsible management of life, position, possessions, and other resources entrusted by God to man. This include service, accountability, culture, and outreach. 5. EXCELLENCE The highly commendable quality or feature of a person’s worth and/or deeds. This includes competence, technology, scholarship, and research. (the University Culture)

The University Research Center (URC) is an academic unit of the University under the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Its main task is to coordinate the research activities of the different colleges/units of the University and to convene and facilitate the affairs of the University Research Committee (URESCOM). The Research Director appointed by the University President heads the URC and serves as the Chairperson of the URESCOM. Members of the URESCOM are faculty and staff recommended by their respective Deans/Principals or as appointed by the University President.

I. The University Research Committee (URESCOM)

  • Purpose

The University Research Committee (URESCOM), under the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, is responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the research program of the University. It is also responsible for making proper recommendations to the University Administration for the continual improvement of the University’s research program.

1.2. Scope of Concern

The issues addressed by URESCOM include but are not limited to the following:

  • Formulating research agenda, strategies and policies;
  • Training and assisting faculty and staff members in research proposal and research report preparation;
  • Implementing programs and activities that will strengthen research capability of faculty, staff and students;
  • Evaluating research proposals;
  • Assisting and monitoring research implementation;
  • Dessiminating research results;
  • Implementing programs and activities related to authorship and publication of research journals; and,
  • Establishing collaborative and cooperative relationship with other units having research related functions.

1.3. Membership

Members of the URESCOM are faculty and staff recommended by their respective Dean/Principals or as appointed by the University President. Committee membership is for one academic year or as specified in the appointment. Sub-committee membership is also for one academic year or as specified in the appointment.

1.4. Classification and Schedule of Meetings

The following are the classifications of URESCOM meetings and their corresponding schedule:

  • Regular Meeting – This shall be held once in every month on a date decided upon by members of URESCOM.
  • Special Meeting – Special meeting shall be held when needed. Schedule of meeting shall be decided upon by the Chairperson of URESCOM.
  • Sub-Committee Meeting – The different sub-committees of the URESCOM shall also meet if there are concerns and issues that need immediate action. Date of meeting shall be decided upon by the Chairperson of the sub-committee.

II. The Sub-Committees

To ensure effective implementation of programs and activities of URC, the following sub-committees are also created:

  • Research Evaluation
  • Research Training, Education and Symposium
  • Research Ethics
  • Research Editing and Publication
  • Research Monitoring
  • Research Data Processing
  • Research External Linkages
  • Research Website
  • Patubas Editorial Board

In order to maximize the participation of faculty members in the research program of the University, membership in sub-committees is open to non-members of the URESCOM.

III. Office Staff

The University Research Center (URC) has a full-time Office Secretary and two Student Assistants who can provide assistance to faculty and students who are doing research.

Major Programs

  • Institutional Research

The University has an Internal Research Program (IRP), which provides faculty members and staff with research opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. The program enables faculty members to obtain funds for their research and at the same time be compensated cash research bonus (tax free/Di-Minimis) equivalent to one month basic pay. Research projects may be basic or applied.

  • Externally Funded Research

Apart from administering the IRP, URC also coordinates the activities of and disseminates information related to the externally funded research activities. These projects include: (a) projects which are officially endorsed by and awarded
to the university; (b) researches contracted by an external organization to CPU, specifically through the department or college; and (c) projects for which funds are directly channeled through different Research Centers (RC’s) of the University. Mechanisms aimed to facilitate the involvement of faculty members in externally funded projects are also provided by URC.

  • Research Dissemination

URC serves as a clearinghouse of research-related information and disseminates salient findings of completed researches. The center spearheads the holding of annual University Research Symposium (URS), which is held at least, once a year. The URS is participated by faculty researchers and students of the university. Apart from the holding of URS, the URC is also responsible for publishing the CPU Research Newsletter and Research Journal, and for maintaining a Web Page, which features the activities and accomplishments of URC.

  • Research Education and Implementation Assistance

The center sponsors seminars and workshops on research proposal preparation; data processing and analysis; and report writing. Seminars and workshops are held at least once a year and are participated in by faculty members who intend to submit research proposals to URC. All technical assistance needed during the conduct of approved proposals is also extended by the center to the concerned faculty researcher.
As a service unit of the University, the center also sponsor similar activities for other academic institutions, government or non-government organizations for the purpose of strengthening the research capabilities of their staff.

  • Policy Formulation and Implementation

The URC assists in the formulation, review and amendment of guidelines and policies governing research in the University. The center also ensures uniform implementation of policies across colleges/units.

1. Institutional Research The University has an Internal Research Program (IRP), which provides faculty members and staff with research opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. The program enables faculty members to obtain funds for their research and at the same time be compensated cash research bonus(tax free/Di-Minimis) equivalent to one month basic pay. Research projects may be basic or applied. 2. Externally Funded Research Apart from administering the IRP, URC also coordinates the activities of and disseminates information related to the externally funded research activities. These projects include:(a) projects which are officially endorsed by and awarded to the university; (b) researches contracted by an external organization to CPU, specifically through the department or college; and (c) projects for which funds are directly channeled through different Research Centers(RC’s) of the University, Mechanisms aimed to facilitate the involvement of faculty members in externally funded projects are also provided by URC. 3. Research Dissemination URC serves as a clearinghouse of research-related information and disseminates salient findings of completed researches. The center spearheads the holding of annual University Research Symposium (URS), which is held at least, once a year. The URS is participated by faculty researchers and students of the university. Apart from the holding of URC, the URC is also responsible for publishing the CPU Research Newsletter and Research Journal, and for maintaining a Web Page, which features the activities and accomplishments of URC. 4. Research Education and Implementation Assistance The center sponsors seminars and workshops on research proposal preparation; data processing and analysis; and report writing . Seminars and workshops are held at least once a year and are participated in by faculty members who intend to submit research proposals to URC. All technical assistance needed during the conduct of approved proposals is also extended by the center to the concerned faculty researcher. As a service unit of the University, the center also sponsors similar activities for other academic institutions, government or non-government organizations for the purpose of strengthening the research capabilities of their staff. 5. Policy Formulation and Implementation The URC assists in the formulation, review and amendment of the guidelines and policies governing research in the University. The center also ensures uniform implementation of policies across colleges/units.