University Research Center






SY 2022-2030


Central Philippine University is committed to supporting individual and collaborative research in all areas of faculty endeavor. Despite the diversity of research activity of the different colleges, particular research themes as shown below, have been identified as strategic research directions for the university.  These areas are in line with the Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, the Philippines’ Ambisyon Natin 2040; CHED’s National Higher Education Research Agenda;  and that of other partner agencies and institutions.



Agriculture, Resources,  Food, Environment, Technology

Food Safety and Security; Environmental Concerns


Botanical Pesticides, Biomass Processing and Utilization, Promising Crops, and Indigenous Species Production and Processing (e.g. Moringa, Native Chicken, Ducks (meat), Nutraceutical/ Functional Foods, Native Catfish, Lacatan, Batuan, etc.), Post-Harvest Technology, Environmental and Biodiversity Studies, Environmental Risk Management, Clean Water and Sanitation

Social Sciences, Literature, Language, Humanities, Culture and the Arts

Participatory and Inclusive Governance


Multidisciplinary Research on Language and Literature, Arts and Sociology, Peace Studies, Policy-Oriented Research on Participatory and Inclusive Governance, Indigenous People, Gender Articulation, Issues on Children, Elderly, Person with Dissabilities in Different Context, Issues in Land Use and Rural and Urban Development

Physical, Chemical, Biological Sciences and Mathematics

Innovative and Sustainable Technologies


Multidisciplinary Research Aimed to Advance the Frontiers of Science and Mathematics, Use of Scientific Principles in Responding to the Development Needs of the Country, Molecular Studies

Business, Industry and Economy


Decent Work and Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction, Reduced Inequalities

Policy-Oriented Research Leading to Improvement in Business and Economic Sectors, Multidisciplinary Research on Economics, Industry, Business, Tourism and Related Topics, Financial Sustainability, Resource Management, Innovations, Responsible Consumption and Production


Energy, Technology Development, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, ICT, Electronics, Semiconductor, Artificial Intelligence, Technology Development, packaging development, software development and their Applications, Technology Transfer, Technopreneurship, Heritage Sites Conservation, Water Resources, Water Quality, Environmental Management, Risk Assessment, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Information and Communication Technology

Infrastructure, Innovation, Accessibility and Communication to increase economic growth

Software Development, Mobile Computing Systems, Intelligent and Expert Systems, Pattern Recognition and Data Mining, Embedded Systems, Emerging Technologies, Multimedia Systems, Network Design and Implemention.




Quality Education


Policy-Oriented Researches Focused on Quality and Excellence, Relevance and Responsiveness and Equity in Basic and Higher Education, Development and Evaluation of Instructional Materials, Improvement of Teaching-Learning Process, Assessment Strategies for the Improvement of Students’ Performance, Educational Issues/Concerns on PWDs

Medical, Health, Wellness and Sanitation

Quality Health Care Management, Waste Management


Waste Management, Health Fitness and Lifestyle Management, Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Evidence Based Innovation, Alternative and Complimentary Method in the Practice and Delivery of Quality Health Care Including Reproductive Health Services, Mental Health

Theology and Christianity

Christian Philosophy, Theology and Stewardship, Christian Education and Practical Ministry

CPU Baptist Heritage, Religious and Ethical Issues, Christian Stewardship, Liturgical Renewal and Ministry, Biblical Studies, Phylosophical Thinking Across Generation and Spaces

Institutional Management, Systems and Process

Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability


Studies on the Projects, Programs, and Processes of the University (e.g. satisfaction survey, policy improvement), Outreach Areas Baseline and Impact Studies

UN SDGs – https://philippines.un.orh/en/sdgs

AmBisyon Natin 2040 – https://2040.neda/