University Research Center



A study of the housing condition and needs of the Faculty and Staff of Central Philippine University, Iloilo City

  • by Ernesto S. Saquibal, Jr. and Ma. Lindy Saquibal (completed May 2003)


     This study was conducted to determine the housing conditions and needs of the faculty and staff of Central Philippine University. Specifically, the study aimed to describe the housing facilities conditions and needs of CPU employees, to identify housing-related problems and difficulties experienced by them and their families . Furthermore, the study also gave particular attention to the employees’ financial capability to acquire a house., a lot or a house and lot through a loan. The study also examined the desired living conditions of CPU employees in order to recommend specific actions to address the urgent need of adequate housing.
      This study is a descriptive research In order to accomplish the objectives of this study, both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed. The entire faculty and staff of Central Philippine University were the target respondents of this study. A survey was conducted utilizing the structured survey questionnaire to gather the necessary data on housing facilities, condition and needs and financial capabilities of CPU employees. Personal interviews were also conducted to obtain data on perception of quality housing and desired living conditions using a structured interview schedule. The survey questionnaires were distributed by department and offices and the interviews had been undertaken by the researchers through personal visit to target respondents.

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