University Research Center



The extent of use of online social networks and interpersonal relations: their implication to teaching and learning

  • by Herly Fie U. Cervera (completed November 2011)


The study explored the extent of use of online social networks and the level of interpersonal relationships of both students and faculty and their implications to teaching and learning. The study made use of the descriptive survey research design. It was found out and concluded in the study that the students-respondents are primarily female coming from the different year levels, in the adolescent and young adult stage, taking Bachelor of Arts program who utilize their personal computers for online social networking. It was also concluded that the faculty-respondents are mostly married, in the middle adulthood age, from the different departments of the College of Arts and Sciences, and are using their personal computers for online social networking. The students utilize more the online social networks than their teachers, though both the students and their teachers share similar level of interpersonal relationships. The extent of use of online social networks by the students relates significantly to their age and year level. while for faculty it was related to their age. The level of interpersonal relationship positively relates to students year level, while it relates significantly to the departments where the faculty belongs. Lastly, it was concluded that the level of students’ interpersonal relationship is not influenced by the extent of use of online social networks, while it is contrary to that of the faculty.

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